Sunday, July 5, 2009

Service: Sharing Our Desires with God

Let's admit it, sometimes we can't do anything but think about the future, about what opportunities lie ahead of us and how much we might want to pursue a certain one. Then when that opportunity that we were looking forward to so much doesn't work out we become upset. But lets ask ourselves, why are we upset? Is it because we made a mistake? Or is it that the lack of control we have over our own lives hits us like a brick and makes us realize that God is in control rather than ourselves.

Maybe we're hoping to make plans with a friend and then something sudden changes those plans. Possibly we're looking at a university to pursue a bachelors or masters degree but are then rejected by that university. Maybe we're wanting to get to bed a bit earlier but then a friend in need keeps us up late. There are common, and somewhat small, examples of those times when our lack of control becomes so apparent. Instead of becoming upset and so greatly frustrated we should be turning to God. We should be saying, "Ok, that's not what you're calling to, show me your will..." We should be putting ourselves at the service of our Creator so that we can grow closer to God but also help those around us grow closer to God as well. But first we need to share our desires with God so that we can lead a life of prayer. This doesn't mean to put our desires aside, or to completely push aside all initiative towards those things we want to pursue, but instead to prayerfully pursue those opportunities and people around us. Let us seek to live a life of service and not be too caught up in what lies ahead. Be present to God, yourself and those around you so that you may be of service.

1 comment:

Liz Gordon said...

This post came at the perfect time for me. Although I havent been on the farm in 4 years, I stumbled upon this blog today and can't help but think there was a reason behind it :-)